Sex & Sports: Is "Co-Ed = Mo' Head" acceptable?

AN INTRAMURAL, CO-ED softball team at Temple is named "Co-Ed = Mo' Head."

Temple News columnist Leah Mafrica took issue with the name, and wrote about it in this week's issue of the paper:

Contrary to what some may think, this is not as innocent as some might claim. This type of language is both sexist and immature, particularly when demonstrated at a function that serves to blend men and women as equals in relation to sports, a goal that has been hard to accomplish.

To wear a shirt that disrespects women at a sports function also disrespects the sport and undermines what universities attempt to accomplish by providing co-recreational sports. That is, to think of men and women as athletically equal.

Is this a free speech issue? Or is it offensive for the team to have such a name? Should the university take action, and force a name change? Or should everyone chill?


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