Desperate Times in La La Land: What Won't They Do For Money?

THE LOS ANGELES TIMES ran a four-page spread on Sunday pimping The Soloist, a movie based upon the life of an LA Times columnist and his homeless muse.

But in reality, the four-page spread was a paid advertisement made to look like a newspage. This comes only a few days after the LA Times ran an advertisement masked as an article on the front page - an ad for a new NBC television show.

Last week, the Daily Bruin at the University of California at Los Angeles ran an entire advertisement on their front page - and the ad was designed to look like the real newspaper (right).

Is there anything wrong with newspapers selling ads in this fashion? The ads are labeled as "Paid Advertisements" so what's the problem?

Or are we endangering the integrity of the news by selling ads that look like news?


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