Celebrity News? I Want To Know!

THE WORLD IS A CRAZY PLACE. President Obama shuttles off to meet with world leaders in London and the media spends crazy amounts of time talking about how Michelle Obama had a wardrobe change ... during the flight!

It's not like the London G-20 Summit was about anything of real significance (they were just trying to resolve the global financial meltdown).

But wait a second. Is it really wrong to blame the media for providing stories about Michelle Obama and her clothes? Aren't the media really just feeding the demand from the public? Don't people want their rumors and gossip about the rich and powerful, the famous and infamous?

On Thursday, we'll delve into the seedy world of celebrity news with Howard Gensler (below), the celebrity gossip columnist for the Daily News. He'll talk about why the media spends so much time and energy on covering the stars.

In the meantime, let me know what you think about the clip above, and celebrity news in general. Is it necessary or does it just make the public more and more stupid?


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