"I Hope You Get Short Bowel Syndrome."

EVERY SEMESTER, 34th Street magazine, a student publication at the University of Pennsylvania, runs an issue where students get to slam each other anonymously in a section called "Shoutouts."

To my roommate: We all know your secret. Leaving Smokes early to call phone sex hotlines is not a substitute for the real thing.

And that, to say the least, is a tame Shoutout. Other shoutouts deal with sexual encounters, annoying classmates, random stalking, Greek life, religion, nerds and a lot more hooking up stuff. And they can get awfully mean.

To the annoying Wharton girl in my Tuesday Nutrition class: You fu**ing suck. Stop asking questions. I hope you get short bowel syndrome. Yeah, diarrhea for the rest of your life. Your friend sucks too.

Apparently, when this issue hits the streets, it's hugely popular. And the mag prints extra copies, even sells a lot of extra advertising. The next issue is due out this week.

Is it journalism? Is it selling out? Is it providing a service to readers? Or is it just plain mean (and mean fun)?


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