Fornicating Pirates ... But With a Plot!

STUDENTS AT THE University of Maryland wanted to show "Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge" at their student union on Saturday. Then a bunch of politicians jumped in and forced the school to shut down the show.

Turns out the politicians think the film is pure pornography.

Sen. Andrew P. Harris was so upset that, according to the Washington Post, he offered a budget amendment: Any public university that allowed the screening of a triple-X film would forfeit state funding -- about $424 million next year in U-Md.'s case.

Should the film be allowed on campus? Is this a free speech issue? Or is the film pure obscenity, and therefore not subject to first amendment rights?

Would you be OK with students showing a nudey film on campus?

(And, is it wrong for me to post a link to the nudey movie's website on a student-read blog?)


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