It Ain't Easy Being Funny.

IF YOU ENJOY THE DAILY SHOW, think about what makes it so enjoyable. Someone actually digs through copious amounts of news and raw data, digests it and processes it.

That man, apparently, is Adam Chodikoff, a Daily Show producer.

Here is his news diet, as reported by Women's Wear Daily:

Chodikoff reads seven newspapers a day in print, sits through hours of hearings on C-Span on a Saturday and watches Sen. John McCain grilling on Rachael Ray’s talk show.

The story continues:

But consuming everything is only half the task. The competitive advantage he gives (Daily Show host John) Stewart is having some historical memory in an amnesiac news cycle inherently more invested in the next angle than in context.

There is no question for you guys here. I just want you to appreciate the fact that being a good journalist - even in the world of humor - involves knowing what is going on in the world.

(the photo above comes from Women's Wear Daily)


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