Do You Run the Potentially Defamatory Ad?

TO GAIN INTEREST IN THEIR upcoming "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" event, David Horowitz and his Freedom Center tried to place ads in college newspapers across the country.

Many college newspapers declined to run the ad. According to the University of California, Santa Barbara student newspaper, the advertisement - “Stop the Jihad On College Campuses” - claims the Muslim Student Association recruits and supports speakers who “are calling for the execution of gays, the killing of Jews and support the terrorist jihad against America.”

The UCSB paper ran the ad. Penn State's paper did not.

Is it censorship if they don't run the ad? Is it promoting potentially divisive, possibly even racist beliefs if you do run it?

Would you run the ad? Be sure to read the Freedom Center's description of the event here.

(The photo of Horowitz is via the Santa Barbara Independent).


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