Ladies In The Locker Room.

FOX SIDELINE reporter Pam Oliver reported that Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb told her that he doesn't expect to be an Eagle next year.

"His days in Philadelphia are numbered," she reported. "He sees an organization distancing itself from him."

McNabb has denied saying anything of the sort.

Philadelphia Inquirer sports columnist Ashley Fox says that McNabb may have opened up to Oliver because she is a woman.

This is from Fox's column today:

"Now, as a female reporting on sports, the issue gets even trickier. Men, be it athletes or executives, often tell us different things - and tell us things differently - than they tell other men. They can be more willing to show their emotions or to let their guard down because they aren't threatened by a woman. Sometimes they think a woman is more sympathetic or less judgmental.

And sometimes, they have other motives."

Any thoughts?


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