Andy Reid: The Time Is Mine

SO, ANDY REID AND his wife spoke to Philadelphia Magazine about their troubled family (You remember their sons, right? They made front page news when they were busted with guns and drugs.).

The mag has been receiving a lot of hype - the Reid's haven't spoken about their family with any other media.

"These parents have been dealing with it for five years, trying whatever seemed to make sense to help," said Robert Huber, the author of the Philly mag piece.

Getting the article came with caveats, however. First, the Reid's had their attorney present during the two hour interview with Huber. Second, the Reid's were allowed to read the story and make changes before it went to press. Third, the magazine had to make a donation of an unspecified amount to a charity of the Reid's choice.

Was this an ethical thing to do? Rarely do journalists run their stories by the subjects before publication. And journalists are not supposed to pay for stories (that falls under pandering).

Did Philadelphia Magazine do anything wrong, or did they simply do what they had to to get the story that everyone wants?


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