Dude, Where's my Column? Or, Should the Journalist Sample the Chronic?

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER METRO columnist Annette John-Hall, who will visit J1111 on Tuesday, wrote an article today about the legalization of marijuana.

While visiting her native California recently, she witnessed the debate about proposition 19 (the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010) which is on the ballot for November. It would essentially regulate the use of recreational marijuana.

John-Hall attended the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo in San Francisco and she visited the a vendor who offered marijuana samples. Here is some of her story:

"More than a few vendors offered some of their choice herbs for me to try. I just said no. After all, I was working.

But then I happened upon the Edibles section, a tantalizing array of brownies, cookies, parfaits, and caramels. I'm a sucker for sweets. What the heck. I popped a piece of a brownie, as tiny as a gum drop, into my mouth.

I was suckered all right. It didn't take long before I realized that, wow, this isn't your mama's pot. It's much more potent."

Was it wrong for her to sample the goods? Or, is it fine to experiment with illegal substances in the name of journalism?

(the photo comes from John-Hall's facebook page).


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