Don't Agree With Your Guest? Can You Leave?

FOX NEWS HOST Bill O'Reilly appeared on the morning talk show The View last week and a shouting match ensued.

O'Reilly said that 70 percent of Americans don't want a mosque near Ground Zero because Muslims attacked America on 9/11. Joy Behar, one of show's hosts, walked off the set, followed by co-host Whoopi Goldberg.

"That is such bullshit!" Goldberg said. "Extremists did that!"

After the two walked off, Barbara Walters, another co-host, said, "You have just seen what should not happen. We should be able to have discussions without washing our hands, and screaming, and walking offstage."

Was it wrong for the two hosts to walk off the set? Were they obligated to listen to the views of an invited guest? Or are they allowed to follow their convictions and leave when they feel offended?

What would you have done?


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