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TEACHING ASSISTANT Kelly George, a doctoral student in the School of Communications and Theater, lectured today on advertising and its relationship with journalism. Here are a few things that stood out for me:

- "Communications is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired and transformed" (as stated by James Carey).
- Advertising can create consumerism but consumerism also already exists in society.
- Advertising began in a rational fashion. Today, most advertising now appeals to the audience's emotions (for example, the Broadview Security ad, which was parodied by Saturday Night Live).

- The history of advertising parallels the history of journalism.
- The first advertising agency was created in Philadelphia in 1869.
- Railroads connected the east and west coasts, creating a national mass audience.
- Magazines were the first media to take advantage of and serve that national audience.

- Advertising relies on a prosperous economy.
- The creative side of advertising became very influential after World War II.
- Advertising often relies upon stereotypes to make a connection to the audience.
- Advertising has the ability to strengthen connections, forming community.

Kelly talked about a Wal-Mart employee who was trampled by Black Friday shoppers. Who was responsible for that man's death? Advertisers? Journalists who rely upon advertising to support their endeavors? The shoppers?

What stood out for you?


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