Should Websites Ban Anonymous Commenters?

EUGENE KANE OF THE Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently wrote about anonymous commenters posting extreme opinions on news websites:

"The blogosphere's popularity over the last decade or so seems to have avoided the requirement for credibility for commenters. As a result, people feel free to comment on whatever they want, however they want, and in many cases, as offensively as they want. Some of them talk big smack, mainly because nobody knows their name."

Should readers be allowed to leave comments without leaving some sort of verifiable identity? Does a lack of identity only breed radical dialogue?

Some people argue that journalists frequently use anonymous sources in stories. Is there any difference?

Post your thoughts in the comments section below. Please leave your name.

And read more of Eugene Kane's work here. Kane (pictured above with Bill Cosby) is a Temple grad who will visit class on Tuesday.


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