Would You Hire a Hooker For Your Job?

A NEW YORK POST reporter flew to Nevada to spend the night with Markus, a 25-year old ex-Marine whom the Post is billing as the first ever legal male prostitute. She even paid the $500 tab for his services.

Here is a bit of her story:

“So,” Markus says after leaning over and kissing my knee, “we’re going to get undressed and then take a shower. Then we can both inspect each other to make sure there are no discrepancies.”

Minutes later, as we’re standing naked in the shower, he’s examining me like a second-rate gynecologist and nodding.

“Yeah,” he murmurs, cooing that I’m “practically” an 8 or a 9. “Everything looks great down there.”

Oh. My. God.

Is there anything wrong with the journalist engaging (no pun intended) in the story like this? Isn't it just Gonzo journalism as made popular by the likes of Hunter S. Thompson?

Or is there something sketchy about a journalist getting involved in something like this? Would you report this story?

By the way, the reporter writes that she did not have sex with the dude.


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