There's a Boy Floating Away! Call the News!

THE BOY IN THE BALLOON situation from Colorado last week is sounding more and more like a hoax. Law enforcement in that area are investigating the whole event.

The father's first call when he discovered his helium-filled balloon was aloft and his 6 year-old son was nowhere to be found was to a television station. Dad, after all, had been featured in an episode of Wife Swap. He's TV savvy.

After the kid was found, the family started appearing on newscasts across the country. The kid dropped the dime on his father on live television in an interview with Wolf Blitzer. Oops.

The media, especially the 24-hour cable news stations, went crazy with the original story when the boy was believed to be helplessly floating in air.

My question is: would you have been able to resist covering the story, even though it smelled fishy from the start?


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