Phil Jasner: It's a Crazy Lifestyle and It's Not For Everybody. But He Loves It.

WHAT DID YOU THINK of today's guest, Phil Jasner, a 1964 Temple alum who has been covering the Sixers for the Philadelphia Daily News since 1981?

Here are a few things that stood out for me:

- He never works 9 to 5 hours. He covers his beat 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, including holidays.
- Despite that, he's been devoted to his family and never missed an important event.
- And he loves his job.
- While a hometown guy (Overbrook High), he never roots for teams, especially while working.
- He doesn't become friends with players or coaches (until they retire). It could cloud his objectivity.
- If a player invited him to dinner and tried to pick up the check, he wouldn't let them.
- He follows every lead everyone gives him, no matter how hare-brained it might sound.
- He doesn't care about athletes' off-the-court behavior unless it affects their game.
- His life is essentially this: travel, watch game, write stories, travel, watch game, write stories. Repeat constantly.
- He blogs, follows twitter, talks on the Daily News Live TV show, and writes stories.
- He says there will always be newspapers.
- He's grateful that he has a job he loves.


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