NBA to Players: No Gangsta-style Tats (SIKE!)

A PHOENIX ALTERNATIVE NEWSPAPER ran a cover story last week about the NBA's proposed new rule to limit the number of tattoos NBA players can sport.

They quoted NBA commissioner David Stern: "We feel it is important that our players not scare the bejesus out of affluent demographic groups with gangsta-style tattoos."

They clarified with this: The proposed cap, as strange as it sounds, would require teams to limit their roster as a whole to 61 percent tattoo coverage of the "upper arms and necks." So if a team has a couple of players covered in tats, conceivably two or three players with flesh as pure as a baby's butt would be needed to offset.

Fascinating stuff, eh?

Yeah, except it was all a hoax.

The Phoenix paper picked up on the story after it ran on who pulled the story from a satirical blogger.

Should the Phoenix paper be punished in any way for running a story based on false information? Should they be reprimanded for their poor journalism?

Or is this just the way things are in the age of the Internet?


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