Jackson: "You Can't Make Excuses."

WHAT DID YOU THINK of today's guest, Donnell Jackson? Did he enlighten you on the ways of the broadcast world?

Here's what stood out to me:

- Establish your goals, and figure out how to reach them.
- Broadcast news requires A LOT OF WRITING.
- There are many jobs in newsrooms besides reporters and anchors.
- Producers have a influence in terms of what gets on the news (and how it is presented).
- The people you meet today may be leaders of tomorrow, even the slackers sitting next to you in class.
- You need multiple skills - writing, editing, shooting, etc.
- You can't make excuses.
- Journalism is not a craft that will make you rich.
- Talk to people doing what you want to do in the future.
- Get started now.

What stood out for you?


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