Censorship Or Common Decency?

THE SEATTLE TIMES declined to run this advertisement for the Vagina Monologues, the 12-year old play that has been performed around the world - in major theaters, at Catholic universities and even in high school auditoriums.

"The artwork was something we didn't feel was appropriate for our audience," a Times' VP of advertising told the Seattle Weekly.

Sponsors of the show, including the Seattle branch of the National Council of Jewish Women, are baffled. Many other media outlets in Seattle ran the advertisement as it is.

Did the newspaper make the right call in declining the ad? Is it too risque? Does common decency say that ad does not belong in a place where children might see it?

Or did they cross the line? Are they being overly protective, and maybe a little judgmental?

(by the way, be sure to click on the blue link above and read the comments posted to the original story).


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