Big Pimpin' On the Campaign Trail?

HILLARY CLINTON HAS employed her daughter, Chelsea, to make campaign calls to celebrities and other donors.

Not surprising, right?

Well, MSNBC anchor David Shuster asked on air, “But doesn’t it seem like Chelsea’s sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?

The Clinton campaign freaked out, writing a letter to the head of NBC News, Steve Capus (a 1986 Temple alum).

"I would urge you to look at the pattern of behavior on your network that seems to repeatedly lead to this sort of degrading language," Clinton wrote.

Shuster has since been suspended.

Is the Clinton campaign over-reacting? Don't we all know that "pimpin'" doesn't really refer to prostitution? Or do journalists need to stick to traditional language so as to not offend some people?


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