"The Next President" or "The First Black President?"

RACE HAS REMAINED an underlying issue during the presidential campaign that concluded tonight with the election of Barack Obama.

But does it diminish the achievements of president-elect Obama to label him as the "First Black President?"

On one hand, it is most certainly an historic event.

On the other hand, he wasn't elected because he is African-American. He was elected because the majority of Americans believe in him and his mission.

Should the media refrain from focusing on his race? Or should they champion the progress this election represents?

UPDATE: AN OP/ED WRITER IN the 11/9 Sunday Inquirer writes:

The ritual preface of the word black in front of every achievement or breakthrough by an African American is insulting, condescending and minimizes their achievement. It maintains and reinforces the very racial separation that much of America claims it is trying to get past.

Do you agree? Disagree?


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