Can You Hear Me Now?

PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA visited the White House this week and met with current president George W. Bush.

Afterward, Obama flew back to Chicago, with a pack of media folks on the plane.

At one point, Obama was on a cell phone and reporters could hear him talking.

"I am not going to be spending too much time in Washington over the next several weeks," said Obama according to the Washington Post, adding that he did not want to "go lurching so far in one direction" and wanted to come up with "some good, solid, sensible options."

Should the Washington Post and other reporters have used that information?

It was not a private moment that was declared off the record. And the man is going to be president of the country in two months. Isn't just about everything he does newsworthy?

Or should he expect some level of privacy?

Would you have used the quotes?


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