Can a Football Team Ban Reporters From Tweeting?

Before new Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer held his first weekly press conference of this season, his PR staff announced to the attending media that they were not allowed to tweet during the event. And that no twitter rule extends to every Urban Meyer press conference.

A writer from the Akron Beacon-Journal wrote in response:

"Want to ban your players from using Twitter? Fine. Want to keep the coaches off it? That’s their prerogative. But attempt to tell a room of reporters from around the state when they’re allowed to report news and problems are sure to ensue."

It seems that none of the journalists used their Twitter accounts during that press conference.

Can the football coach or the university say when a reporter can or can't reveal information?

If you were a reporter at the press conference, would you have tweeted if there was relevant information to transmit?

By the way, Urban Meyer has been on the J1111 blog before, after he yelled at a reporter. Check out that story here.

(Image via Bleacher Report)


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