Are Journalists Perpetuating the Bigotry?

JAPANESE BASEBALL SENSATION Yu Darvish is now playing with the Texas Rangers. He was roughed up a bit during the first inning of his MLB debut last week but he came back to earn the win against the Mariners.

The game was somewhat marred by a collection of racist events.

First, the Rangers commissioned a new hot dog in Darvish's honor - the Yu Dog. It comes with a fortune cookie.

Then, a TV analyst called a hit by Ichiro a "chinker."

Finally, there were these, er, fans in the above image.

What should the journalists do with these instances? Should they run a story and photos of the events? Or, by highlighting the ignorance of a few small-minded folks, are the journalists in fact perpetuating/ spurring on the racism?

Keep in mind that we are in a post-Jeremy Lin era, when an ESPN writer was fired after crafting a headline that read "Chink in the Armor" after Lin and the Knicks lost a game.

Check out this SNL spoof of the Jeremy Lin excitement, and the racism that followed in the mainstream media.

Photo by US PRESSWIRE via Larry Brown Sports.


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