Should the Bloggers Get Some Cash?

THROUGHOUT THE HISTORY of the Huffington Post, bloggers have worked for free.

In February, HuffPo was purchased by AOL for $315 million. The site's founder, Arianna Huffington (above), retains her position and she pockets the cash.

This week, a former blogger filed a class action lawsuit against the Huffington Post and AOL.

“In my view, the Huffington Post’s bloggers have essentially been turned into modern-day slaves on Arianna Huffington’s plantation,” said Jonathan Tasini, the former blogger. “She wants to pocket the tens of millions of dollars she reaped from the hard work of those bloggers."

The HuffPo lawyers said:

"Our bloggers use our platform — as well as other unpaid group blogs across the web — to connect and help their work be seen by as many people as possible. It’s the same reason people go on TV shows: to promote their views and ideas."

Should the bloggers be compensated?

Or did they accept the agreed upon payment - an audience?


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