Would You Put Tiger on the Cover?

TIGER WOODS WAS featured on the April cover of Golf Digest. Is there anything wrong with that?

In 2009, Woods was found to have had affairs with around a dozen women while married to his wife. The father of two young children took five months away from golf to seek treatment for his sexual addictions. Many of Woods' sponsors pulled their endorsement deals with him because of what he seemed to represent.

Should magazines avoid him on the cover because of his adulterous past?

"Tiger Woods is an extraordinary golfer, and the mastery of golf is what our magazine is all about," the editor of Golf Digest wrote after receiving angry letters from subscribers. "He is finally a man who has confessed his mistakes--publicly--and vowed to turn things around--in particular to be a conscientious father."

Does Woods deserve a second chance?

Is the magazine pulling a PR stunt - putting a controversial figure on the cover in hopes of getting attention and selling more mags?


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