Can "Hyperlocal" Revive Interest in Journalism?

THE JOURNAL REGISTER Company is set to launch a hyperlocal news portal for the greater Philadelphia region.

“This site will be powered by the audience and will benefit – through traffic and revenue – those who publish their content here,” said JRC VP for content, Jonathan Cooper, who will speak at a PhIJI event on Tuesday (12/7) at 6:30 in Tuttleman 303AB. “We realize the benefit of plural voices in the community. There are hundreds of sources for news about Philadelphia and we will link to those who do it the best.”

Last month, local PBS affiliate WHYY launched their own hyperlocal/ public affairs journalism site. And Patch has been building sites in the surrounding suburbs. A few other hyperlocal efforts have started within city limits.

All of these places think that readers want information about their own backyard - news and information that is personalized to their neighborhoods and communities.

Do you think hyperlocal will save journalism?


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