How Did You Spend Your Summer Vacation?

FOR SIX WEEKS, 18 Temple University students documented London as part of the School of Communications & Theater's study abroad program.

Our focus was on London's massive and diverse music scene but we also learned about the food, fashion, lifestyles and various cultures of the city.

We interviewed countless people, including producers and a correspondent from the London office of NBC News, the publishers of STATION magazine and the operators of the Roundhouse (a creative arts incubator for young people, as well as popular music venue).

We traveled to Stonehenge, Bath and Brighton. We cruised the Regent's Canal on a boat, drank tea at the Orangery at Kensington Palace, toured Fuller's Brewery and saw a lot of good concerts.

You can learn more about our musical adventures here. You can see what we learned about London here. And you can see our images from London here.

The SCT London program runs during the spring and fall semesters as well as during summer session II. Click here for more info.


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