Comparing Media And Procrastinating.

RIGHT ABOUT NOW, you are probably thinking, "Man, I have got to get started on that dang media comparison assignment."

And that means you don't have to time to find a Temple Times or Source magazine, and you have no idea when the BBC actually runs their news in America. So, you'll probably wind up writing about the Philly blog sites, Philebrity and Phawker.

Browse the sites. Then answer me this: does the ad above make perfectly good sense? Or do you think that it is just a blogger's attempt to seem more relevant than newspapers? Can newspapers and bloggers live harmoniously? Or are blogs the way of the future, and newspapers are going to fade away?

Will you continue reading Philebrity or Phawker? Why? Why not?

By the way, for your media comparison, you can also compare the Philadelphia City Paper and Philadelphia Weekly (print editions only). This week's PW features a story and video (below) from your prof:


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