Obama Goes to Work (But the Media Can't Watch).

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA went to work on Wednesday, one day after being sworn into office.

Traditionally, the media are allowed into the Oval Office to photograph the president at work on day one. That didn't happen this year.

Instead, the White House offered their own images (including the one above) to the press.

Several media outlets, including three major wire services - Associated Press, Reuters and Agence-France Presse, refused to transmit the images.

"We are not distributing what are, in effect, visual press releases," said Michael Oreskes, managing editor for U.S. news at the AP.

Are the media over-reacting by not using the images? Is there any danger in the White House offering the media images rather than letting the media shoot their own pictures?

Ironically, on Obama's first full day in office, he spoke to his staff about the importance of giving citizens a clear understanding of how government is working for the people.

“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones,” Obama said.


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