Time-Shifting Prime Time Means Viewers Have Control.

THE AUDIENCE for prime time television shows is shrinking, according to an article in today's New York Times. More than 6 million viewers have disappeared since last year.

The culprit? The Internet, TiVo, DVR and other video on demand services.

The industry folks call it "time-shifting." And they are freaking out about it.

While they enable viewers to watch more hours of television, they hurt the rate of commercial recognition, as about half of all commercials are skipped in time-shifting modes, according to the Times.

“Honestly, if I could wish away the DVR, I would,” Alan Wurtzel, head of research for NBC, told the Times. “But I can’t. It’s growing.”

Without advertising, there's no money to finance programming (including news). The ultimate result is that the popular shows gain greater audiences and the less popular programs get markedly smaller audiences.

Personally, I'd rather watch Yacht Rock on Channel 101.

If you know how to make money on the Internet, you could be the next Bill Gates. Start thinking.

(the photo of the TiVo cakes come via Flickr).


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