What's the Big Sports Story? (Or, Lesson Number One for How to be an Evil PR Person).

THE EAGLES TRADED away their former first-round draft pick who led the team for 11 seasons. They sent him to a division rival. Late Sunday evening. Easter Sunday. The day before the Phillies season opener, where superstar pitcher Roy Halladay was set to make his National League debut. With Barack Obama throwing the ceremonial first pitch.

Oh, and that guy Tiger Woods is returning to the links this week after a five-month hiatus ... because he was having an affair with a few women.

If you ran a news outlet, which story would you lead with and why?

As a second question, do you think the Eagles announced their trade yesterday thinking the story would receive less criticism than during a slow sports news day? It does sort of take a monumental event for the team and bury it in a world of other news.

Finally, do you think the Eagles were trying to steal the thunder from the Phillies?


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