Is Iverson's Off-Court Drama Newsworthy?

BASKETBALL STAR Allen Iverson has been a controversial figure since before he arrived in the NBA.

In high school he was arrested after a huge brawl between groups of teens. He left Georgetown University to enter the NBA draft before graduating, the first player at Georgetown to do that under the former coach. While playing with the Sixers, Iverson was constantly in the media spotlight because of his his work ethic, his tattoos, and his brushes with the law (he allegedly urinated in a trash can on a casino floor, there was talk of guns, he was busted with pot once, etc).

But he was also one of the most exciting players to ever wear a Sixers jersey (he recently left the team to tend to his ailing daughter).

Now, the media is reporting that Iverson is getting a divorce from the mother of his five children. Other reports say that Iverson has issues with drinking and gambling.

Should the media cover Iverson's off-court life? Is that relevant and newsworthy?


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