How Far Do You Go To Get A Story?

THE FBI ACCUSED a Detroit broadcast journalist of lying to a source in order to gain entry into a building, according to a story in the Detroit Free Press.

Authorities say that the reporter acted as though she was given permission to enter a veterinary clinic where an FBI dog was being treated for a gunshot wound. The clinic staff escorted the reporter back to the emergency room before realizing she didn't belong there.

The reporter said, “I've never knowingly lied to anyone in my life. The vet management knew I was a reporter and saw the giant NBC flag on my handheld mike before I ever went in.”

Her station alleges that the newspaper story was inaccurate.

Regardless, the situation raises an interesting question: how far would you go to get a story? Should you lie to gain entry into places? Should you schmooze people in order to get information from them?


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