Seth Williams: The Media Are Not Following The DA's Race At All.

WHAT DID YOU THINK of Seth Williams, the Democratic candidate for District Attorney of Philadelphia?

Here are a few things that stood out for me:

- As a child, he wanted to be an architect like Mike Brady, the father on The Brady Bunch.
- If elected, he'll be the first African-American district attorney in the state.
- The majority of violent crimes are committed by people who know their victims.
- 59 percent of felony cases get thrown out of court because the DA's office is not ready.
- Attorneys will get information to the media in order for them to raise the issue in the public.
- He expects journalists to be critical but fair. He says that the media are a check on government.
- If he feels slighted by a journalist, he won't necessarily be accommodating with that journalist the next time around.
- The media aren't following the race for the DA's office. Williams guesses that the media either assume the race is a done deal, or they don't care.
- Journalists have the ability to inform people about why the district attorney matters.
- He uses facebook, Twitter and YouTube to get his messages out.
- He's not going to let all the black people out of prison.

What stood out for you?


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