McLoone: "Do Something You Really Like."

I'M INTERESTED IN your thoughts about today's speaker, Pat McLoone, the managing editor of the Philadelphia Daily News.

Here are a few things that stood out for me:

- Every day is a constant battle between what's going to sell and what's most important.
- You can be a fan but you must always remain objective.
- He wouldn't have allowed Larry Fitzgerald to cover his son.
- There is a liberal bias in the media.
- Sportswriters craft their stories during the game and send them to the editors almost immediately after the game ends.
- Drive, hard work and integrity are the keys to success.
- Offer to do the dirty work as a young reporter. It'll give you the foundation for your future work and it will endear you to the editors.

What stood out for you?

(the photo is via flickr)


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