Hey! That's My Ass!

TUFTS UNIVERSITY near Boston has an annual tradition called the Naked Quad Run. At the end of the semester just before finals, hundreds of naked students do laps around campus, usually on freezing cold nights.

It's become such a large and popular event that the local media now cover it.

The Somerville Journal, in an ambitious act of multimedia convergence, attached video of the event to their online story. And that ruffled some feathers.

First, should the newspaper have run the video? Is it newsworthy? Isn't it pseudo-pornography?

Second, don't the people running naked have the right not to have their bare asses shown to the entire world? Have their rights been violated? They didn't consent to having their bums broadcast, did they? Or is this just good community journalism?

Third, are we violating their rights even further by running the photo above and linking to the streaking video?

Finally, can you publish the word "ass" without penalty?


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