Hyper-groomed Anchors Look Like Porn Stars?

DO YOU KNOW WHICH of the above dudes is a broadcast journalist and which is the professional fornicator?

Film director Steven Soderbergh, the man behind "Traffic" and "Ocean's 13," has a new film about hookers - "The Girlfriend Experience." It stars Sasha Grey, the reigning queen of pornography.

During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Soderbergh said, "When you look at people who are transmitting the news to you on television they all look like they're in porn, the way they're coiffed. It's really crazy. There's this like hyper-grooming thing going on now, men and women."

That led Gawker.com to examine and compare porn stars and broadcast journalists. Check out their pictures here.

Are TV news people too pretty these days?

(By the way ... that's ABC News' John Stossel on the left and porn legend John Holmes on the right.)

Not Saying N-Word Gives It Power?

IN 2007, THE NAACP symbolically buried the n-word. They said the word should never be used - it's divisive and derogatory.

As FOX29 was planning their evening newscast that day, an anchor dropped the word a few times - in the full version (not on air). He suggested that the full word be used on air. He said not doing so "ultimately gives the word itself more power," according to an Inquirer story.

Almost three weeks later, the anchor was suspended. That lasted until his contract was up, and then he wasn't renewed.

Now, the former anchor is suing his old workplace for discrimination. He says during the weeks before his suspension, he was left in a hostile work environment because of his race.

Does he have a case?

Watch Out For the Swine!

ARE YOU AFRAID? Do you run away when someone sneezes? Do you curl up in a fetal position and sit in the corner of your room because you are afraid of contracting the swine flu?

Are you tired of all the stories about the swine flu? Is the media going overboard? The president did discuss the issue (and suggested everyone wash their hands more frequently). But is the media hyping the story, thereby creating panic and hysteria?

Is it just a coincidence that this is a sweeps ratings period?